Tucked away in Albuquerque’s Old Town tourist area is a flat, nondescript building that houses the city’s very own Rattlesnake Museum — a collection of live rattlesnakes, snakes found in New Mexico, and a smattering of insects, reptiles, and memorabilia. The memorabilia is the stuff that doesn’t move, everything else does. I mention this because the…
Month: January 2019
View from the Sandia Mountains
Our lovely friend Karen decided to visit us in Albuquerque this week, so we took the opportunity to check off one of our local bucket list items: the Sandia Peak Tramway. Initially, we had debated going up in a hot air balloon to see the sights, but the timing, weather and costs simply weren’t in…
When Systems Fail: The Need for Back-up Plans
People, we’ve been living under some sort of gypsy curse. In the past two months, we’ve had one stolen wallet, one glitch-y smartphone, and a wonky motherboard. Billing issues have arisen as a result of our travel, too. Since we’re traveling together, what happens to one person happens to the other so these are definitely…
Cooking on the Road: Equipment Check
While we’ve done fairly well with rental kitchens, there have been some gaps between what we would consider “well appointed” and “basic.” I get that not everyone cooks, but we do. Or I should say, Jan cooks a lot and I enjoy the results. Regardless, I think I have a better handle of what to…
2019: Reentry into American Life
We made it back to the states! After a few flight delays and snafus, we’re now couch cozy in Albuquerque, New Mexico — our home for the next month. The snow was unexpected and the mountains show up in starker relief, but the real change has been the culture shift from South to North America….