Jan and I spend our first few nights in Canada sprawled out in front of the television, trying to adjust to the time zone change. We settled on one of the most mindless shows ever — Netflix’s Amazing Interiors. I think I was down for the count by the start of episode two, but fortunately Netflix stopped to ask us if we wanted to continue. The hard stop woke both of us up and we stumbled into episode four featuring the Ultimate Hockey Fan Cave.

We really woke up when the mentioned it was located in Victoria, British Columbia AND the owner was a Blackhawks fan. Could fate have been any clearer? The hunt was on.
Fortunately, the hunt is short these days. Jan made contact via their website and after a quick back and forth, we found ourselves in Kenn Shaw’s backyard hockey getaway drinking Molson and discussing whether or not Crawford would be in goal next season.

Hockey sticks cover the floor of the cave, and every inch of space is covered with either hockey paraphernalia or television sets to enjoy a game. We were treated to a mechanized cut-out of Jim Cornelison (with a mobile arm to point at the flag), a miniature Stanley Cup covered in signatures that Kenn has collected over the years, and the story behind every piece of Blackhawks gear in the place. Kenn really enjoys meeting people and showing off his cave, and it made for a fun afternoon.

The Ultimate Hockey Fan Cave is a space for all hockey fans, so don’t be afraid to reach out even if you’re not a Hawks fan. And, if you’re invited, bring beer — Molson is fine with Kenn, though Jordie appreciates a fine, local craft brew.
We’re sad we won’t be here when the season starts, but can’t think of a better place to enjoy hockey. Thanks for letting us visit!