Anyone who has been or is planning on going to Machu Picchu knows that Cusco is the gateway. We knew that breathing at the 11,152 foot level would be a challenge so we vowed to “take it easy.” What we didn’t know was that you would be out of breath sprinting away from the hordes…
Author: Jan
Machu Picchu: What Could Go Wrong?
Machu Picchu has definitely been a high point of our time here in Peru. In a later post we’ll each talk about our favorite memories, but today I want to talk safety at Machu Picchu. I can’t speak to life safety hazards associated with the other six of the seven wonders of the world but…
Lima 101
Tammy is the one with the 20 pound brain and I’ll let her continue to write about topics for those who dwell in their cerebrums. Me, I’m a simple guy, more of a brainstem kind of operator so I want to boil down Lima to what mouth breathers really need to know. For the person…
Garabaldi Station 6
I don’t recall visiting a fire station being on our list for Lima but when living like a local it’s good to know your emergency service providers. Actually my LinkedIn contact, Dante Navarro Pereyra is a paid fire-fighter at the airport and also volunteers at his neighborhood fire station. It’s an important distinction between his…
Catacomb Visit? Be Sure to Wipe Your Feet
Initially it may seem out of character that we decided to go tour Basílica y Convento de San Francisco de Lima. Sounds a little stodgy for two high-octane throw-caution-to-the-wind explorers like Tammy and I, but read on. The church and monastery were completed in 1674. Though it survived several earthquakes intact in 1687 (8.7M) and 1746…
South for the Winter
Tammy doesn’t enjoy the cold. When she started talking about heading south as part of our life on the road experiment, I’m thinking southern US of A but….3,784 miles later we’re in Lima. Getting here was….interesting. More on that adventure at a later date. First impressions: -Customs and Immigration- Very laid back. You go through immigration…
Planes, Trains, Buses & Ferries: Oh, How the Commute Has Changed!
A new change in my always-on-the-road life-style involves flying out to visit clients from far-flung locations. Victoria on Vancouver Island was pretty easy travel-wise as the airport was a short (30-minute) taxi ride away. Except for the additional time to clear customs, it was pretty easy to get from Victoria to Sea Tac and off…
Where there’s smoke there’s salmon
While not spoken directly, I got the feeling that someone was suspect of my mission to get a hold of a fish smoker. After all we’re on the road…Viking-style and needing to travel light with just our animal robes and battle axes. That’s all fine and dandy but someone who shall remain nameless decided that…