We pulled up stakes yesterday and took the Coho ferry to Anacortes, Washington where Jan’s retired doc friend picked us up and drove us to our next destination on Harstine Island. Originally we were going to sail down, but his Prius could probably handle our luggage a bit better. Doc promises to take us out on his boat later.
Harstine Island is a remote, shady, and quiet spot in the fall. There won’t be any urban exploration while we’re here, though we are planning to attend OysterFest, visit the Wild Felid Advocacy Center, and get caught up on writing projects. Oh, and making friends with the local fauna.

The place we have is huge — I’m serious, it could sleep ten people. And we have an entire closet filled with board games, kayaks, bikes, croquet, etc. So if you can find your way here before the end of October, the door is open. Just remember to bring extra potato chips and craft beer — there’s no store on the island.

I’d totally be into the Felid Advocacy Center visit. And who doesn’t like Horse Bingo? Be a deer and have a good time for me, won’t you?
That’s a knee-slapper, K! You should take that stand-up on the road. 😀