Part of our strategy for checking places includes occasional diversions when I have clients to work with. New Orleans is coming up in May, but the past couple weeks we’ve been wandering my old stomping ground in Oregon. Stops have included Portland (twice), Bend and the coast.

It’s been classic Oregon weather of cold, wet, windy, sunny and warm. The best advice is to plan on rain and wind and if the sun comes out, call it a win.

As long as we were here I wanted Tammy to see the variety within the state instead of just Portland. Bend was about a 4-hour drive due to snow over Mount Hood from Portland. Bend is considered central Oregon. I would have liked to let her see eastern Oregon but that would have been another 4-hour drive and even more snow. Suffice it to say, if we lived in Oregon a car is required.
Portland includes much I remember, but many more bakeries, breweries, coffee shops and homeless than I remember. Seems like there are a ton of smokers and of course the legalization of marijuana has made it a mecca for many.
Comforts of the big city aside, I enjoy the coast the best. Scenery, seafood, a few bakeries and sand in your shoes. I took Tammy by too many old fishing spots and points of interest, but it was interesting to see what had changed and what seems to remain unchanged.

We took the opportunity to have a cup of coffee with a potential client in the small oceanfront community of Manzanita. Tammy as usual, was a great addition to the conversation. While Oregon is not on the list for long-term relocation, it might be our on-the-road home for a few months if we’re offered the work.
Wow! The variety of climate and the beauty of nature are astounding. I think it’s smart to at least have a home base while you explore.
Tammy pretending she likes the snow…snort!
She’s a regular little snow bunny!